Hang Seng establishes effective control on traceability and tracking throughput, demonstrating materials and products are managed in proper manner accordance with R2 requirement.
Inbound and outbound materials and devices are felicitously tracked that facilitates consistent products traceability on our operation.
Warehouse Management System (WMS):
Record all inbound and outbound devices with all the necessary details. Inbound devices will be allocated with a bar code after quality check passed, all bar code will be unique and traceable by our WMS, in which records data, such as, buyer, delivery day, brand, color and others specification.
Bar Code Control:
Bar codes are allocated automatically by WMS at one to one basis when passed the quality check, all bar codes are unique, identified and traced. The bar code will be stuck to the device for scanning and identification.
All the bar code record will be kept at least for 3 years, enable traceability once it is necessary to do so.